Business Heat Pump Rebates

Find savings in heating or cooling your business. Special programs are available to business owners. High-performance heat pumps are highly efficient heating and cooling systems that save energy and may reduce heating and cooling costs. Units must meet the minimum HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) requirements in order to qualify for incentives from Efficiency Maine.

Heat Pump Incentives for New Construction or Renovation

Heat pump incentives are available for businesses that are looking for supplemental heating and cooling needs. These heat pump mini-split systems should not replace existing primary heating and cooling systems but can be installed to help target zones in need of more climate control.

ZonesMinimum HSPFIncentives

Heat Pump Retrofits for Small Business

If you are a “Small General Service” (SGS) or “Small Service” (SS) electric customer and looking to replace your primary heating system, then you’re eligible for enhanced heat pump incentives on higher efficiency systems.

Businesses can receive $1,600 per single-zone system (HSPF 12.5), with a maximum of three systems or $4,800.

Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the paperwork for you!