Why get an annual tune-up?

Think of how much your equipment runs, especially in the Maine winters. When the winter season comes to a close you can save yourself thousands in the long run by having your equipment serviced by R. H. Foster.

  1. Annual tune-ups extend the life of your heating equipment.

    Heating equipment isn’t cheap, you know it, we know it. If you’re ever in a place you need to replace your boiler or furnace, of course we’re here to help, but we’re also here to make sure you get as much as you can out of your current system. One of the best ways to extend the life of your boiler or furnace is by getting it serviced annually.

  2. Annual tune-ups can increase your heating equipment’s efficiency.

    With furnaces and boilers, efficiency is key to using less fuel. By giving your system a tuneup you’re allowing a technician the opportunity to spot any factors contributing to decreased efficiency, as well as replace or clean filters and other parts of your HVAC equipment. By identifying issues when they’re small you can prevent them from becoming larger and more expensive problems. A well cleaned machine means that it’s a well working machine. If your machine is working at it’s peak quality, you’ll be saving money.

  3. Reduce the risk of your equipment breaking down at inconvenient times.

    By getting annual service you’re greatly reducing the risk of your equipment breaking down at an inconvenient time. Small problems can quickly become larger and more expensive problems if left alone. Annual service gives a technician time to double-check all of your heating equipment’s parts and look for signs of breakage before they get too big.

  4. What an R. H. Foster Annual Tune-Up includes:

    Tune-ups for oil, propane, and natural gas systems all include different tests to ensure each is running the best it can.

Oil Systems:

1. checking safety and timing of the primary control;

2. replacing fuel nozzle and fuel filter (if necessary);

3. checking and cleaning or replacing fuel oil strainers;

4. cleaning and regulating fuel pump;

5. cleaning nozzle assembly;

6. vacuuming heating appliance and smoke pipe to chimney, if needed;

7. lubricating motors;

8. checking and replacing customer-supplied air filters;

9. replacing burner gasket and pouch plate gasket;

10. sealing air leaks around combustion chamber and venting;

11. tuning up and adjusting oil burner for maximum efficiency and economy;

12. performing ultrasonic test on oil tank(s)

Natural Gas Systems:

1. performing an efficiency test;

2. inspecting electrical connections, wiring, transformers, intake and exhaust vents, boiler limits and safety controls, pressure switches, zone valves, heat exchanger (if applicable), the igniter, thermocouple and/ or thermopile, filters and aquastats (if applicable);

3. inspecting and cleaning condensate drains and traps (if applicable) and flame sensor;

4. checking water pressure and inspecting for water leaks;

5. measuring incoming gas pressure and manifold pressure; and

6. checking burner operation, air shutter operation for adequate combustion and ventilation

Propane Systems:

1. testing all safety controls;

2. checking and adjusting ignition system;

3. vacuuming heating appliance and smoke pipe to chimney, if needed;

4. lubricating motors;

5. sealing air leaks around combustion chamber and venting;

6. tuning up and adjusting propane burner for maximum efficiency and economy;

7. inspecting propane tank(s) and regulator(s)

Did you know you can now request service online with R. H. Foster? Click here to request service!