5 Way to Save Money on Home Heating in Spring

We know it’s hard to believe, but spring is approaching quickly. Here are a few tips from R. H. Foster on how you can best leverage the spring weather to reduce your energy bill.

The Sun is Your Friend

All winter long we’ve been keeping our blinds and curtains closed to keep in the heat. Now the tables are being turned! When it’s sunny outside, be sure to open your shades and curtains to allow the sunlight and heat into your home. Don’t forget to close them back up when evening and nighttime come.

Reprogram Your Thermostat

Many Mainers take advantage of a programmable thermostat. These can keep your home nice and toasty in the winger, and then be reprogrammed in the spring for even more efficiency! Don’t forget, spring temperatures can be misleading and hard to predict. Watch the weather and adjust your thermostat accordingly.

The Right Time to Do Your Chores

You know that feeling of a warm shirt and pants straight out of the dryer in the winter? The appliances in your home have the power to change the temperature inside simply by using them. As days become warmer and nights remain cold, start doing your chores in the evening. This will use the heat generated from your appliances to keep your house a bit warmer without having to use any extra energy. This will work for laundry, baking, and any other chore involving a heat-emitting appliance.

How to Use Your Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans can be used to both cool and warm a room. The clockwise direction of a fan will create a draft in your house cooling it down as the air moves around. This can be a great alternative to running an air conditioner all spring and summer long, as it uses drastically less energy.
Running a fan counter-clockwise will actually push warm air up to your ceiling and down the walls, more efficiently heating your home. To keep the savings coming, only turn on fans in rooms that you’re using and turn them off when you leave. Otherwise, you’re using unnecessary energy and not reaping the benefits.

Annual Maintenance

There is no better time to perform routine maintenance on your furnace than when you’re using it the least. We urge you to schedule your annual HVAC tune-ups as soon as possible to make sure you get onto the calendar early. With proper care, the lifetime of your unit is extended, and the chances of it breaking down when you need it are reduced significantly.

Those are R. H. Foster’s Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Home Heating in Spring. If all else fails, we offer home energy audits where we’ll walk through your house and tell you how you can be more fuel efficient and comfortable in your own home.

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